Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So Now What?

Hey guys...so I haven't posted since about oh, a trillion dollars ago :0)...so here's what I am reading, what I've read and what's in my STACK. First, I just finished John Coy's Crackback, a story about a kid who loves football, has a jack for a dad, makes great grades, and is being pressured by his friends to shoot steroids. He decides--SHOCK!--to do the right thing, but instead of getting rewarded, he gets bumped to third string where he learns that life's lessons aren't all they are "cracked" up to be--depending on who your teacher is. OMG. I love this book--boy or girl, it's fast paced, quick chapters, and even a little romance thrown in for fun. Grab it while you can. Which brings me to a book in my stack...Box Out--also by John Coy...his new one with an interesting twist...this one is about a kid who plays JV basketball and gets moved up to Varsity. He is so pumped...until he realizes that the coach leads prayer before every game. This may not bother you, but this character has some moral dilemmas he must face and some choices he must make. John Coy isn't shy about writing the angles, that's for sure. I cannot wait to sink my teeth into this one.

So, what am I reading now...? Two books, actually. Let's start with the Hunger Games. Can I OMG enough about this book? Those of you who have talked to me for five seconds know that I always tell you to never read a book you hate. Well, this ain't that book! This book HAS TO BECOME A MOVIE! This book crazy-good. Now, Ms. Rayburn and I may disagree (she donated her copy to the library, thanks, Ms. R), but this one definitely falls into one of my YA Top Ten. So, the U.S. as we know it is over. It is split into 12 districts, run by one Capitol. Every year, two children from each district--a boy and a girl, ages 12-17--are picked at random and sent to the Hunger Games. They must kill each other off one at a time. Whomever wins the game--stalking, hunting, hiding, chasing each other for days, weeks--wins food for that district for the year. Sick and twisted. Need I say more? It's like Survivor for kids without the million and death. YIKES! The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. READ IT!

Last but not least, I am also reading Black Rabbit Summer by Kevin Brooks--a green shelf book for sure. Gail Giles (What Happened to Cass McBride and Right Behind You) sort of recommended this book indirectly, and when one of your fave-all-time authors tells you to read something, hello, you go and get it! So far, there has been violence, deception, teenagers...what more could you want from a book where you need your parents' permission to read?
So that's it, kiddies. Don't forget about the book fair. Bug your parents. Bug your teachers. Read. Read. Read. Gladden OUT.

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