Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thing #15

As I've mentioned before, I also work in a college library, so I have had the opportunity to see the newest things happen as they unfold. I think libraries are changeable entities whose main goal is the necessities of its patrons. Certainly, in this technologically hungry generation, we see a need to feed this generation new food. But, in my middle school library, on the whole, the kids really want graphic novels and a game codes. It's my job to show them the newness. What I loved was the video, and it made me go out and search Teacher Tube which I am hoping is not filtered in my district. If it is, I may just fight that battle. I had no idea of its existence, but it's brilliant. I may just show the posted video--HOLD EVERYTHING!--I just realized that Thing #20 is all about Teacher Tube...what the heck? You'll' have to visit Thing #20 if you want to watch this amazing video, now that I've finally figured everything out. Gosh! I'm so impatient. :)

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