The Web 2.0 Award I chose was in Mobile Technology (1st Place), and it's a new communication program called Twitter. I chose this because I recognized it from something that my business partner from said. He told me that we needed to start "twittering." I had no idea, of course, what he had said. I thought maybe, after all these years, he had developed a speech impediment, so I asked him what the heck he was talking about. He said, "you know, twittering." Like I was the only person on the planet who didn't have the first clue. Apparently, I was.
Twittering is what you do between emailing and blogging (can you believe there is time between emailing and blogging?). You just kinda keep people informed. No more phones calls, really, b/c it's a sort of mass shout-out. I put a link up so you can see it. I really like it b/c it's somewhere between an email and an IM. Yep, I'm a Twitterer.
Updates, new dates, more...
5 years ago
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