My favorite search tool for blogs is Google search. I really like it because it shows how long ago the blogger posted without actually clicking on the blog. When I advanced searched the terms education humor (with nothing on the word library), I got this prayer:
Lord, grant me the Serenity to accept that the book is lost forever;The Courage to refuse a loan when there's an overdue book;And the Wisdom to know when it's time to take a break.
It's from a clever blog called, "Library Technicians: Education, Training, Practice, Career, Jobs, etc. "--interesting that I never would have thought to click on it for humor.
Here's another one...recite to the cadence of the Lord's Prayer:
Our Chief Librarian at BNB,
Hallowed be thy Catalogue,
Thy Issues be increased,
Thy Books be Strict-Ordered,
In Fiction as they are in Non-Fiction
Give us this day our Overdue Books back,
And forgive us our Classification Errors,
As we forgive those who Misplace our Books
(as they know not thy Prophet Dewey)
Lead us not into False Subject Headings,But deliver us from Categorisation
..........and cuts in Opening Hours
..........and reductions in the Book Fund
For thine is the Issue System,
the Date Stamp
and the Light Pen
For Ever and Ever
Amen (submitted by Sue Marsden) @IFLA' site
Anyway, I found Google (as usual) to be the most user friendly, and I spent WAY too much time on it.
Updates, new dates, more...
5 years ago
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